Stormwater Regulations

The Board of Commissioners recently approved updates to the Stormwater Ordinance. The changes were effective April 1, 2020. The Stormwater Ordinance originally went into effect June 1, 2014. The updates are necessary to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Changes to the Stormwater Ordinance are as follows:
Increases maximum fines from $500 a day to $5,000 as permitted by Tennessee Code Annotated § 68-221-1106
Creates a provision to increase fines for chronic violators using multipliers
Clarifies the definition of “design storm event” and “priority construction activity”
Adds references to the State of Tennessee’s General Permit and the State of Tennessee’s Construction General Permit
Increases the water quality buffer from 25’ to 30’
Clarifies requirements for sediment basins
Requires an EPSC plan if the development is under the 2,500 square feet threshold of land disturbance, but is part of a larger common place of development that would meet the threshold
Additionally, the City of Forest Hills passed a resolution adopting a Stormwater Management Plan, Public Information and Education Plan, and an Enforcement Response Plan. These plans all relate to the implementation and enforcement of the Stormwater Ordinance. Enhancements to the stormwater management program include:
Creation of a new link on the Stormwater Webpage of the City’s website devoted to reporting Illicit Discharge
Creation of new educational brochures and factsheets available at City Hall and on the City’s website
Creation of a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) that provides an overview of how the City complies with its NPDES permit requirements
Creation of a Public Information and Education Plan (PIE) that gives an overview of how the City educates its key stakeholders and provides educational and volunteer opportunities to interested parties
Creation of an Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) that outlines how the City enforces the Stormwater Ordinance